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13th November 2007. Venice, California. As the medical marijuana debate continues, 12 US states have now legalized the use of medically prescribed marijuana while the federal government still classes it as illegal. A growing number of celebrities have joined the legalization cause, including comedian Drew Carey who recently hosted a tour of a medical marijuana dispensary for Reason TV. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger raised a few eyebrows recently by telling GQ magazine that marijuana is not a drug. The Farmacy, a medical marijuana dispensary which recently opened in Venice Beach has a daily menu offering numerous strains of marijuana with colorful names such as Heaven's Medicine, LA Confidential, Royal Purple Haze and Reclining Buddha. As well as pre rolled joints, they also offer lemonade, cookies, ice cream and chocolate bars, all infused with medical marijuana. Pictured are pre rolled joints. PHOTO © JOHN CHAPPLE / REBEL IMAGES